Oh what a day, what a day... so we get to the airport in Philly and before we leave we're already one more short than originally planned -- Troy (umm Troy be happy you missed the ride with us... more to come on that). A lot of us met up in the small bar right next to our gate. Here's a picture of Pete and Demond relaxing before the flight. The flight to Atlanta seemed like it was more than halfway full of Nova students -- spring breakers, int'l econ class to Panama & us.
We're laying over in Atlanta and come to find out there's a bit of a snafu: a combination of a lot of people, a lot of luggage and bad winds doesn't make for a pretty picture. So, el capitan gave us our options:
1. leave 30 people behind
2. leave 160 bags behind
3. de-fuel & layover in Ft. Lauderdale to re-fuel (oh and we can't get off the plane either)
Apparently el capitan picks TWO options on our behalf (again more to come from the second group on that one). Option 3 was one of the two and we were off to Manaus after our quick stop in Ft. Lauderdale. I will say, though, that the seats on the plane to Manuas were pretty sweet -- TVs in the back of the headset with a lot of movies to watch, games to play, and even full cds to choose from and create your own playlist.
I'll stop here, as I know that Reena can't wait to tell you about what happens next...
Sounds like it has been pretty eventful so far. Hope you guys get your luggage back soon. It snowed here early this morning but everything has stopped now. We may get a few inches tonight though. How is the weather there? Hope you guys are not walking around in jeans and sweaters in the hot weather.