Today was by far the best day on our trip!!! We started off by checking out of the hotel, and beginning our consulting projects.
We all split up into our corresponding groups and "consulted" as best we could with each of the firms.
Paulette - My firm was great. Family owned and operated. It is a graphics company, it basically makes the boxes and manuals that the Brazilians find when they open their new TVs, DVDs, or other equipment that was manufactured here. They are looking for a marketing plan to expand and get more business in Manaus.
Jeff- My firm was also established in Manaus. It is an organic herbal remedies company that includes products of cosmetics, herbal supplements, and herbal medications. Most products made from amazonian flora. We will be advising them on enhancing their supply chain. (Liberatore would be proud!)
Phil - (this is Chirs, Yonggang and Troy's group) We started the day off at a different site than the one we had visited a few days ago. We met again with Bruno our previous presenter, and he presented us with our true global strategy problem. He is importing lots of goods, but does not seem to have the same volume in export. He told us to help him find new export opportunities for Manaus.
After everyone was done consulting, we went to the hotel Tropical, which is the nicest hotel in all of Manaus. (Five stars!). We got a few hours to relax, have lunch, and even squeeze in some pretty good souvenir shopping. (Rumor has it some even bought some cuban cigars!).
At 3PM sharp, we walked down a hill, and onto our boat that lead us up the rio negra for about 2.5 hours deeper into the wild jungle/rainforest. We had a great ride. Some drank a few beers, some played cards, while others tried to sleep as much as they could. We were pleasantly surprised about the beauty, and the lack of mosquitos.
We arrived at this amazing hotel around 5:30. We were greeted by a brazilian band, and dancer! It was pretty nice to have a necklace placed on our necks as we entered the new stage of our trip.
This hotel is like swiss family robinson... LIVE. We have a 6.7 mile walk over watertop and into the jungle. All the rooms are airconditioned and with balconies. The only problem has been roomates discussing which bed each roomate will have (there is a queen and a twin size bed).
The wildlife is crazy. We got up close with monkeys (baby and mama) right along the railing on the way to the room. We have also seen parrots, birds, and amazingly large fish in a tank.
We had dinner (buffet) and one of the best meals thus far.... afterwhich we got into a long boat (all 30 of us) and went into the dark, creepy, wet, forest........... in search for caymans.
Caymans are like alligators and crocodiles. There are three types and the one we saw (see pictures) can grow up to 3 m long. He was only 1.5 years old. Everyone touched or held him (even Simone)!!!